About Potomac Media



Sales and

Exhibit Sales



Knowledge.  Experience.  Diligence.

These are the traits that separate Potomac Media from other advertising and exhibit sales representative firms.

Since 1995, Potomac Media has provided exceptional sales management services to numerous publications and conferences. We can do the same for your publication or conference.


A key component of Potomac Media's successful sales efforts comes from knowing your publication and conference in-depth; your audience, trade or industry, your mission and history, your competitors and how your publication or conference compares with others. We pride ourselves on extensive research. We know extensively your publication and the market you serve. We inform advertisers and exhibitors about specific elements in your publication or conference to persuade them that yours is the right medium to fulfill their advertising and marketing needs.


Potomac Media specializes in selling advertising and exhibit space at all levels; national, international, regional, business-to-business and business-to-consumer. We know the theories and applications of marketing and advertising. We identify prospective advertisers or exhibitors, understand their marketing needs and how your publication or conference can fulfill them. We take a consultative approach to sales. We work closely with advertisers, their agencies, and exhibitors to ensure their experience with your publication or conference is the best it can be. With Potomac selling on your behalf, advertisers repeat advertising in your publication and exhibitors repeat exhibiting at your conference. We seek to increase the size and scope of their advertisements or exhibits and explore other options with them to purchase your sponsorships, reprints, direct mailers and ancillary media.


The sale neither begins nor ends with the first phone call. At Potomac Media, our philosophy is to keep in contact with an advertiser or exhibitor, always in a courteous and respectful manner. We convey to them new information about your publication or conference. We offer them other opportunities with your publication or conference. Through continuous efforts, coupled with our knowledge and experience, we establish credibility with advertisers and exhibitors. We earn their trust. You are the ultimate beneficiary because our diligent efforts get prospects to continually advertise or exhibit in your publication or conference.



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Questions? Email: truby@potomacmediallc.com Phone: 202.363.3741 E-Fax: 888.325.9943

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